
USOP Mobile Publicity and Visibility Campaign

What is the USOP?

  • The European Union (EU) allocates funds called IPA from the EU budget to Türkiye as well as to other candidate countries, in order to support the preparation of Türkiye for EU membership.
  • The Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure is responsible for making use of the portion of this fund allocated to the transport sector and carries out its activities within the framework of a program whose content and financing has been approved by the European Commission.
  • How to ensure compliance with the EU, which topics will be prioritized, how the budget will be allocated in these priority areas, which projects or what type of projects will be financed, what are the measurable results required to be considered successful, and what will be done in general under the promotion and visibility activities of the program. This program, which is called the "Sectoral Operational Programme for Transport", is briefly expressed as "USOP".
  • For detailed information: USOP Brochure

Why Mobile Publicity?

  • The fact that most of our publicity and visibility activities within the scope of the USOP Communication Action Plan are planned indoors and that many activities planned to be postponed or canceled due to the pandemic that emerged in 2020 have revealed the necessity of a promotion and visibility planning suitable for the pandemic.
  • In order to minimize the impact of the pandemic on USOP's promotion and visibility activities and to achieve the program's goals in this area, the Mobile Publicity and Visibility Campaign, which allows events to be held in open areas and has the capacity to host different types of events, has been developed.

Implementation Period

  • August 4, 2021-June 15, 2023

Brief Information About the Campaign

  • The most crucial element of the campaign is the promotional vehicle (Publicity Truck), which we call "USOP on the Road". The promotional truck, which was prepared for a period of 24 months in the first place, is planned to serve until the closing of the program. In order to increase the visibility of the campaign on social media, the hashtags #USOPYollarda and #USOPontheway are used in the posts.
  • The campaign started its activities on August 4, 2021.
  • Under the USOP, co-financed with European Union funds, the completed and ongoing projects in different regions of our country are explained to the public and introduced to different interest groups.
  • Our mobile publicity campaign, which also serves as the promotion office of the Construction of Cerkezkoy - Kapıkule Section of Halkalı - Kapıkule Railway Line Project, which is the largest infrastructure project supported by the European Union outside the its borders, carries out its activities intensively in the Thrace region.
  • The campaign carries out promotional activities within the framework of a specific plan in other provinces with projects under the USOP, in activities planned as part of the program, and in other organizations deemed appropriate by our Ministry.

Cities and Programs Where Our Mobile Publicity Campaign Has Operated Until Today

  • The Eastern Mediterranean Regional Career Fair, hosted by Çukurova University on 14-15 March 2022, was attended and promotional activities were carried out.
  • As part of the European Mobility Week on September 16-22, publicity and visibility activities were carried out at the events on September 19, Ankara Bahçelievler 7th Street.16-22 
  • With in the scope of USOP Mobile Publicity and Visibility Campaign School Program, visits were made to schools in Ankara between 9-13 May 2022.
  • With in the scope of USOP Mobile Publicity and Visibility Campaign School Program, visits were made to schools in Ankara between 17-20 October 2022.
  • With in the scope of USOP Mobile Publicity and Visibility Campaign School Program, visits were made to schools in Amasya between 4-13 January 2023.
  • The West Blacksea Career Fair , hosted by Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal University on 25-26 March 2022, was attended and publicity activities were carried out.
  • Although the program has not started yet on August 4, 2021, our Mobile Publicity Campaign has been deployed next to Edirne Reşadiye Bedesteni in order to attract attention / arouse curiosity.
  • Publicity and visibility activities were carried out next to Edirne Reşadiye Bedesteni between 9-13 August 2021. 
  • Publicity and visibility activities were carried out in Edirne Karaağaç Region between 13-15 September 2021.
  • Between 8-19 November 2021, publicity  and visibility activities were carried out next to Edirne Reşadiye Bedesten.
  • Publicity and visibility activities were carried out at Edirne Karaağaç Historical Meriç Bridge between 20-31 December.
  • Our mobile publicity campaign carried out promotion and visibility activities next to Edirne Reşadiye Bedesten throughout January.
  • The Eastern Anatolia Career Fair , hosted by Atatürk  University on 7-8 March 2022, was attended and promotional activities were carried out.
  • Publicity and visibility activities were carried out at the events held in Gaziantep Festival Park on September 21 as part of the European Mobility Week on September 16-22.
  • The Silkroad Career Fair , hosted by Gaziantep  University on 11-12 March 2022, was attended and promotional activities were carried out.
  • Publicity and visibility activities were carried out at the 12th Transport and Communication Council between 6-7-8 October 2021.
  • Publicity and visibility activities were carried out at the Eurasia Railway Fair between 25-27 November 2021.
  • Publicity and visibility activities were carried out at Istanbul Sirkeci Station for the launch of the Accessible Transportation Strategy and Action Plan, as part of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, between 3-9 December 2021.
  • Publicity and visibility activities were carried out at Istanbul Congress Center for was held Government Incentives Promotion Days between 27-28 October 2022.
  • The Aegean Career Fair , hosted by Aegean University on 21-22 March 2022, was attended and promotional activities were carried out.
  • With in the scope of USOP Mobile Publicity and Visibility Campaign School Program, visits were made to schools in İzmir between 12-23 September 2022.
  • Participation in the “Pedal to School” event organized within the scope of the Izmir Sustainable Urban Transport Plan Project (SUMP).
  • As part of the European Mobility Week on September 16-22, publicity and visibility activities were carried out at the events on September 22, İzmir
  • With in the scope of USOP Mobile Publicity and Visibility Campaign School Program, visits were made to schools in Kayseri between 26.09 - 07.10 2022.
  • Publicity and visibility activities were carried out in front of Kırklareli Governorship between 16–27 August 2021.
  • Publicity and visibility activities were carried out at the Lüleburgaz Congress Square between August 30 and September 10, 2021.
  • Between 11-22 October 2021, publicity and visibility activities were carried out next to Kırklareli Babaeski Government House.
  • Publicity and visibility activities were carried out at Kırklareli Pınarhisar Cumhuriyet Square between 1-5 November 2021.
  • Our mobile publicity campaign carried out promotion and visibility activities in Lüleburgaz Congress Square throughout February.
  • Our mobile publicity campaign carried out publicity and visibility activities in Kırklareli Freedom and Democracy  Square throughout April.
  • Publicity and visibility activities were carried out at the Kocaeli Anıt Park between October 31 and November 6, 2022.
  • With in the scope of USOP Mobile Publicity and Visibility Campaign School Program, visits were made to schools in Kocaeli between 7-11 November 2022.
  • Publicity and visibility activities were carried out at the Kocaeli Gebze Square between November 14-20, 2022.
  • With in the scope of USOP Mobile Publicity and Visibility Campaign School Program, visits were made to schools in Kocaeli between 21-25 November 2022.
  • Promotion and visibility activities were carried out in front of the Çerkezköy Government House between 9-17 December.
  • With in the scope of USOP Mobile Publicity and Visibility Campaign School Program, visits were made to schools in Tekirdağ between 16-31 May 2022.
  • The East Blacksea Career Fair , hosted by Blacksea Technical  University on 4-5 March 2022, was attended and promotional activities were carried out.