The Closing Event of “Enhancement of Institutional and Administrative Capacity of Directorate of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications Research Centre” Was Held
The closing event of the project
“Enhancement of Institutional and Administrative Capacity of Directorate of
Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications Research Centre” supported under
the Sectoral Operational Programme for Transport and of which the Directorate
of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications Research Centre (DoTMC RC) of
the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure is the beneficiary was held on 23
November 2022 in Ankara.
The meeting started with the opening
speeches of the Sector Manager for Transportation at the Delegation of the
European Union to Türkiye, Göktuğ Kara, Deputy Director General for Financial
Cooperation and Project Implementationof the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
Directorate for EU Affairs Serdar Öztürk, General Director for Directorate General
of European Union and Foreign Relations Burak Aykan and Director for DoTMC RC Selami
In his opening speech, Director
General Mr. Burak Aykan provided information about the IPA-I and IPA-II
periods, underlined that the preparations for the IPA-III period are continuing
at full speed. Sharing the details of the Halkalı-Kapıkule Railway Line
project, Mr. Aykan emphasized that the project is the largest infrastructure
project in our country and outside the borders of the EU, with the EU funds. Mr.Aykan
concluded his speech by stating, “We are aware of the importance of starting
out the new period with well-prepared and strategically important, and we
expect our project-developing institutions to work in this direction as well.”
Mr. Yazıcı expressed his satisfaction
with the successful execution of the project, which was designed to encourage
and expand the production of the transportation and information technologies
sectors in line with national resources and thanked all the stakeholders who
contributed in his speech.
Ms Tijen İğci (PhD), Head of
Department for EU Investments also attended the meeting with the experts responsible from the promotion
and visibility of the project.
The event, which brought together the
officials of the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure as well as all
relevant parties of the transportation sector, ended with a group photo shoot.