
Under the Scope of the SUMP Turkey Project and Led by the Union of Municipalities of Turkey (TBB), the SUMP Türkiye Network Has Been Established

The "European Union Support for Sustainable Urban Mobility in Cities Project," funded by the Republic of Türkiye and the European Union (EU), with the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure as the Contracting Authority and the Union of Municipalities of Turkey (UMT) as the End Beneficiary, has established the SUMP Türkiye Network within the framework of SKUP Türkiye. This initiative aims to accelerate the transition to more environmentally friendly and sustainable modes of transportation in cities.

The Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) focuses on promoting eco-friendly and sustainable individual and public transportation, departing from policies relying on fossil fuel-based urban transportation. Within this context, cities participating in the SUMP framework have been interconnected through the "SKUP Türkiye Network," initiated by the Union of Municipalities of Türkiye. This national SUMP network's inaugural meeting took place in Ankara and is planned to convene every six months in a face-to-face or hybrid format.

The SKUp Türkiye Network encompasses cities such as Ankara, Kocaeli, Trabzon, Izmir, Istanbul, Konya, Gaziantep, Düzce, and others that are part of the SUMP project across the country. It aims to bring together transportation experts from cities that have prepared or will prepare SUMPs, fostering a sense of sustainable urban mobility awareness. The network's purpose is to facilitate mutual learning, the exchange of experiences, and best practices through the established national SUMP network, thus promoting the dissemination of SUMPs across the country.