
SUMP Türkiye Volunteers have already kicked off their preparations fort he European Mobility Week!

The second meeting of SUMP Türkiye Volunteers, one of the continuation projects of the 'European Union Support for Sustainable Urban Mobility in Cities Project' (SUMP Türkiye), was held online on March 12, 2024, with the participation of representatives from universities, academics, student groups, and relevant NGOs.

Head of Projects and Financing Directorate of the Union of Municipalities of Türkiye, Ertuğrul Şafak gave information about the SUMP Türkiye project in his opening speech.

The Key Expert for Communication Activities of SUMP Türkiye Project and moderator of the meeting, Ayşe Sarp Gür, summarized the project's communication strategy and approach. Within the communication strategy, she reminded that 2024 was designated as the 'usage' year for sustainable urban transportation vehicles with the theme 'Live Your City,' and It was explained that the primary goal of the meetings is to realize easily implementable projects through stakeholders to increase citizens' usage of these vehicles.

Subsequently, Kavşak Ağı presented the "Hackathon" project and a competition proposal aimed at developing shared public spaces, Bisikletliler Derneği presented 'Safe Cycling in Traffic' project, ENVERÇEVKO presented 'Bike To University' project, and, Uşak University Yeşil Pedal Bicycle Community introduced the 'Green Bicycle’ project. These four projects were collaboratively developed by the NGOs and universities, who are the initial volunteer stakeholders of the SKUP Türkiye Volunteers. Therefore, the preparations for the projects that will take part in the 'Permanent Projects' category within the scope of the European Mobility Week have already started.

Participants were informed that the online meetings of "SUMP Türkiye Volunteers" will continue in April and May with different target groups such as business world and government institutions. In these meetings, cooperation opportunities for existing proposals and new project proposals will be discussed and the meeting was closed.