
Media and Communication Professionals Designed a Campaign for Sustainable Mobility

On 22 November 2024, within the scope of the "Istanbul Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) Phase II: Implementation Plan Project," implemented under the Sectoral Operational Programme for Transport (USOP) as part of the Türkiye-EU financial cooperation managed by the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, media and communication professionals and academicians joined together to discuss and collaborate on sustainable transport solutions.

The "Transformation of Cities through Communication and Media" event was organized with the participation of media and press representatives, journalists, columnists, faculty members, students from communication departments, and public relations professionals.

In his opening speech, Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Deputy Secretary-General Gürkan Akgün emphasized the importance of participation, ownership, and communication campaigns by all stakeholders in the development of a sustainable transportation plan.

During the event, which presented good practices on sustainable transportation from around the world, collaboration and campaign opportunities in promotional efforts with media and academia were discussed in an open forum.

At the "Future Cities and Communication" panel, topics such as combating climate change under the COP29 agenda, sustainable transportation, urban planning, and communication were discussed. Panelists Barış Doğru (EKOIQ), Seçil Şendağ (SMI Türkiye), Akif Burak Atlar (Chamber of City Planners – TMMOB), and Oktay Kargül (Istanbul Planning Agency) met with media and communication experts.

After the panel, participants shared their ideas for communication strategies to promote sustainable modes of transportation in line with Istanbul SKUP, based on insights gained during the event. Messages and communication channels that could be effective for different target groups, such as young people, workers, and elderly individuals, were discussed. Campaign ideas were proposed to reduce private vehicle use, encourage public transportation, and promote active transportation modes like cycling and walking.

During the workshop, participants proposed awareness campaigns emphasizing the benefits of sustainable transportation for human health, the environment, and the economy, using a positive communication tone via digital platforms and traditional media.

Another campaign idea focused on encouraging public transportation through rewards and gamification via mobile applications. This idea, especially aimed at children and young people, sought to foster an awareness of sustainable transportation from an early age.
