
IPA III Financial Rules Training was Held

Within the scope of the Technical Assistance for Strengthening the Transport Operating Structure and ERAs in IPA II (2014-2020) Period, implemented under the Sectoral Operational Programme for Transport (USOP) as part of the Türkiye-EU financial cooperation managed by the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, the staff of the Department for EU Investments and the Internal Audit Unit of the Ministry attended the full-day IPA III Financial Rules Training.

The training programme, conducted by Ivana Varga, covered the financial rules for IPA III and the functions and responsibilities of the Financial Management Unit for annual programmes. During the training, the legal framework of IPA III and the financial rules defined in the Financial Framework Partnership Agreement and the Financing Agreement were covered in detail.  Participants were refreshed on the financial reporting required by the EU and the agreements between the organisation of the Ministry of Treasury and Finance, the Managing Authority and the Financial Management Unit.

The afternoon sessions focused on the main operational processes of the Financial Management Unit. In addition, debt management issues such as inappropriate expenditures, irregularities, recoveries, and financial adjustments were discussed. Case studies supported practical examples of financial management, providing participants with practical experience as well as theoretical knowledge. The training, designed to ensure that the participants were prepared for the challenges they may encounter in the field, ended with the participants' feedback and the evaluation of the training.