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The Third Performance Assessment Workshop of SOPT Operating Structure Took Place between 21st and 24th of December, 2023 in Antalya

The Third Performance Assessment Workshop of SOPT Operating Structure (OS) held in Antalya between 21-24 December 2023, with the participation of the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure - Directorate General for EU Affairs and Foreign Relations - Head of Department for EU Investments (EUID) Tijen İğci (PhD), Department for EU Investments staff and the Technical Assistance Team.

On 21 December 2023, on the first day of the Workshop, in the session, which was attended only by the EUID’s staff, major topics of the agenda, current situation towards the end of the IPA II Period and possible risks were evaluated.

On the second day of the Workshop, each Unit of the OS worked on the required changes in the Manual of Procedures. Later that day existing risks were reviewed and Risk Register has been updated.

On the third day of the Workshop, Technical Assistance Project experts’ presentation on future institutional structure of IPA III and roles and responsibilities of new entities was delivered, other Operating Structures’ works on this subject were also briefly examined. On the second session of the day, where Director General for EU Affairs and Foreign Relations and Head of Operating Structure Burak Aykan was present, the EUID’s current status on this matter were presented and possible scenarios on institutional structure were discussed. Later on the day the Entrustment of Budget Implementation Tasks (EBIT) Process for IPA III was went over in detail with the contribution of the Technical Assistance Project experts.

 On the final day, the Workshop was successfully completed with the closing remarks of Mrs. Tijen İğci (PhD).        
