He was born in 1979 in Trabzon.
He graduated from Trabzon Yomra Science High School in 1996.
He graduated from Istanbul University Faculty of Engineering, Marine Transportation and Management Engineering Department in 2001.
He graduated from Anadolu University, Department of Public Administration in 2012.
He served as a Second Officer at Moliva Shipping Coorp. between 2004-2005.
In June 2005, he was appointed as an Maritime Expert at the Undersecretariat for Maritime Affairs, Directorate General of Maritime Transportation.
Within this position he contributed in particularly marine environment projects such as, National Stream Forecasting and Pollution Transport Model Feasibility Study, Establishing the infrastructure to tackle in marine pollution caused by petroleum and chemicals, Establishment of the National Maritime Safety and Emergency Response Center, Establishment and operation of the decision support system for response to marine pollution, National and international collaborations for the detection of sea pollution with satellite radars, Starting a pilot application for the detection of sea pollution with navigational radars, Establishment and operation of Geographic Information System, Establishment of oil pollution dissemination model and contributed to many other studies too.
In addition, he also contributed to the projects, Establishment of Petroleum and Chemical Response Equipment Storage Areas on Turkish Coasts, Pilot Project Implementation for Detection of Oil Pollution with Navigation Radars, Establishment of National Maritime Safety and Emergency Response Centers.
He served as the Alternate Permanent Representative of Türkiye to the International Maritime Organization (IMO) between 2015-2020.
He has also rewarded the “Merit Tamandare Medal” on November 2019 by the Brazillian Navy.
On June 24, 2020, he was appointed as the Deputy Director General of the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, General Directorate of Maritime Affairs, and also serves as a Member of the Board of Directors of the General Directorate of Coastal Safety.
He was appointed as Director General for EU Affairs and Foreign Relations at the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure on 9 July 2021.
He speaks English. He is married and has three children.