Tasks And Responsibilities On The Basis of Units:
- Preparing, monitoring and evaluating the Transport (Sector) Operational Programme,
- Identifying the project selection criteria and selecting the projects that are adequate to the Programme content,
- Conducting the preparatory works of the Sectoral Monitoring Committee,
- Preparing the “Annual Work Plans” and “Annual Implementation Reports”,
- Preparing and submitting the ''Sectoral Annual and Final Implementation Reports”,
- Coordinating the final activities of the programme,
- Preparing and revising the procurement plan,
- Preparing the invitations for the preliminary qualification phase and the tendering phase and submitting them for the preliminary approval of the EU Delegation,
- Preparing the tender dossier and submitting it for the preliminary approval of the EU Delegation,
- Designating members of the Tender Evaluation Committee and managing the evaluation process,
- Preparing tender evaluation reports and submitting them for the preliminary approval of the EU Delegation,
- Participating in the preparation of tender documents,
- Informing the companies that secured the tender, and those that did not,
- Preparing the contract and having it signed.
- Ensuring coordination between our Ministry, the Beneficiary Institution, the Contractor, the Supervisor and the EU Delegation during the implementation of contracts,
- Participating in reunions related to projects (Quarterly Steering Committee, monthly progress reunion, etc.),
- Conducting approval processes in the framework of the contract (expert approvals, time sheets, approvals concerning weekend work, etc.),
- Preparing the annual visit plan, implementing it and preparing reports,
- Contributing to the preparation of the payment estimates by the Financial Management Unit,
- Evaluating and coordinating the claims,
- Conducting the risk assessment works at the project level,
- Preparing addenda and submitting them for approval.
- Preparing the Fund Absorption Plans,
- Examining the progress payment requests and realising the payments,
- Making the Fund requests from the National Fund (NF),
- Preparing the Expenditure Declaration and submitting it to the National Authorising Officer (NAO),
- Preparing the monthly Financial Reports and submitting them to the National Authorising Officer (NAO),
- Keeping the accounting records with regards to the realised payments,
- Preparing the Monthly, Quarterly and Annual Accounting Reports and submitting them to the National Fund,
- Evaluating and coordinating the claims.
- Managing the accreditation process,
- Realising risk management activities,
- Keeping records of eliminated projects and reporting them,
- Reporting irregularities through the officer responsible,
- Coordinating the preparation and revision of the Programme Implementation Guidance,
- Making the quality controls for the OIS and MPAF documents,
- Making quality control for tender documents,
- Making quality control for contract addenda,
- Preparing and coordinating the Annual Assurance Statement,
- Coordinating and following-up audit activities between units,
- Preparing monthly activity reports.
- Carrying out human resources activities of the unit,
- Preparation of Operation Identification Sheets and Terms of Reference documents regarding the activities which are stated in the Action 5 Technical Assistance of Sectoral Operational Programme and coordinating and monitoring these projects,
- Managing the publicity activities of the Programme and social media accounts, preparation, revision and implementation of Communication Action Plan,
- Management of Direct Expenditure Plan under Technical Assistance Action 5 of SOPT.