The European Union continues its financial assistance to Türkiye for realising the necessary arrangements and harmonization works during the EU full membership process. The European Union gathered the financial assistance it has provided to candidate countries between the years 2007-2013 under the name “Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance” (IPA).
During the 2007-2013 period, the European Commission has provided total funding amounting to 9.944 billion Euros to all the candidate and potential candidate countries.
For the same period, the total funding provided to our country was 4.795 billion Euros, while the funding allocated to the Transport Operational Programme (TOP) was 584.7 million Euros.
An important part of the funding provided for the period from 2007 to 2013 to the Transport Operational Programme (TOP) within the framework of IPA-I, under the Regional Development component, has been used for strengthening the railway infrastructure.
The Transport Operational Programme covers the priorities of the transportation sector, its intervention areas as well as the infrastructure projects under the Trans-European Transport Networks (TEN-T) Document, which is a revision of the Transport Infrastructure Needs Assessment for Türkiye (TINA). The TOP is to be financed through the IPA fund and other international funds.
The Transport Operational Programme, which was approved by the European Commission on 7th December 2007, was subsequently revised on January 2010, November 2012 and April 2015.
Within this framework, 584.7 million Euro IPA fund, has been granted in order to be used in the railway infrastructure projects for the period 2007 - 2013. The Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications was designated as the Programme Authority within the framework of the IPA and it was made responsible for the programming, tendering, contracting, financial management, monitoring and evaluation and management of the funds allocated in the field of transport. The aim of the co-financing of the IPA funds was to realise the railway infrastructure projects and the technical assistance projects that were designated as priority areas in the Transport Operational Programme.
The Transport Operational Programme has three priorities:
- Strengthening the railway infrastructure
- Strengthening the harbour infrastructure
- Providing technical assistance
The following measures have been determined within the framework of the related priorities:
New construction and rehabilitation works on the existing and future TEN-T railway lines, construction of new harbours on future TEN-T railway lines, together with the necessary multimodal/combined hinterland connections.
The main projects that are being financed under the Transport OP are as follows:
- The construction works concerning the Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Project of Köseköy-Gebze Section of the Ankara-Istanbul High Speed Railway Line (56 km) has been completed. The line is in use.
- The construction works related to the Rehabilitation and Signalization Project of Irmak-Karabük-Zonguldak Railway Line (415 km) has been achieved. The line is in use.
- The construction works relating to the Modernization Project of Samsun-Kalın Railway Line (378 km) continues.
The TOP and the projects realised under it provides/will provide the following benefits:
- Reduction of the negative consequences of road traffic, such as traffic accidents, traffic density and environmental pollution,
- Reduction of travel and freight transport times,
- Reduction of travel and freight transport costs,
- Enhancement of travel and freight transport safety,
- Enhancement of travel comfort.
For more detailed information: TOP 2007-2013