Head of Department for EU Investments Tijen İĞCİ (Ph.D)

Tijen İğci (Ph.D) graduated from
Ankara University, Faculty of Political Sciences, Department of International
Relations in 2002 as the first of the department and faculty. She received his
master's degree from Ankara University Graduate Scool of Social Sciences in
2015 with her thesis titled ‘Possible Effects of the European Union and Turkish
Climate Change Policies on the
Industrial Sector: An Assessment in terms of Costs and Competitiveness’.
She completed his PhD in 2022 with his thesis on ‘Climate Ethics,
Sustainability and Aviation’ at Ankara University Graduate School of Social
Sciences, Department of Social Environmental Sciences.
Between 2003 and 2006, she served
as Assistant Rapporteur at the Prime Ministry Undersecretariat of Foreign
Trade, Central Anatolian Exporters' Unions General Secretariat. Between 2006
and 2011, as a European Union Expert at the Ministry of Industry and Trade, she
gained expertise in the EU Acquis on
‘Environment’ (particularly climate change, air quality, environmental
management and audit system (EMAS), chemicals (REACH) and industrial pollution
(IPPC)). She, as the Ministry's Climate Change Working Group coordinator,
participated in the UN climate change negotiations as the Country’s
representative. As European Union Affairs Expert at the Ministry for European
Union Affairs, where she started to work in 2011, she worked under the
Financial Cooperation Directorate until 2016. She conducted studies on
planning, programming, implementation, monitoring and evaluation under IPA
Component II – Cross Border Cooperation, in particular Cross Border Cooperation
at the Black Sea Basin and Bulgaria-Turkey IPA Cross Border Cooperation
programmes. She also performed supervision of all tasks related to IPA
Multi-beneficiary Programme. She took
part in the evaluation of the project proposals submitted within the scope of
various EU-funded grant programs (Civil Society Dialogue-IV Environment Grant
Program and Bulgaria-Turkey IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Programme). In the
institution, which was structured as the Directorate for European Union Affairs
of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, until July 2022, in the Department of
Sectoral Policies, she performed activities related to the ‘Chapter 27.
Environment and Climate Change’ within the framework of Turkey-EU accession
negotiations, the sub-sectors of ‘Nature Protection’, ‘Waste Management’ and ‘Climate
Change’. Within the scope of the ‘Chapter 14. Transport Policy’, she
coordinated the sub-sectors of ‘Aviation’ and ‘Maritime Transport’.
İğci, who speaks English very fluently
and has several articles on climate change published in a number of journals,
was born in Trabzon in 1979. She is married with one child.