Sectoral Operational Programme for Transport (USOP) Sectoral Monitoring Committee Meetings Were Held
The Sectoral
Monitoring Committee Meetings, the 15th for the IPA II period and
the 4th for the IPA III period in the Transport sector, was held online
on 3 December 2024, under the co-chairmanship of Deputy Director General for EU Affairs end Foreign Relations and Head of the
Intermediate Body for Financial Management Ömrüye Ayan and Head of Unit from
Delegation of the EU to Türkiye, Maria Luisa Wyganowski.
The meetingaimed to inform the participants of the developments in the
previous six-month period and coordinate their activities in the coming six-month
period. The participants included the Directorate for EU Affairs of the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (NIPAC), the Ministry of Treasury and Finance (NAO),
the Delegation of the European Union To Türkiye, the relevant public
insistutions and municipalities.
In addition to the developments since the last meeting, the meeting
included subjects such as the progress made regarding the Sectoral Operational
Programme for Transport, general assessment of the transport sector and the
targets for the coming period.