The 12th
meeting of the Financial Cooperation Coordination Council, which was
established to coordinate and monitor the overall functioning of the EU
financial assistance and meets twice a year, was held at the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs, Directorate for EU Affairs premises on Januuary 9, 2023 under
the chairmanship of Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Director for EU Affairs
and National IPA Coordinator (NIPAC) Ambassador Mr. Faruk KAYMAKCI.
Senior representatives of the IPA Operational
Structures and the Deputy Ministers of the Leading Institutions, as well as the
Presidential Strategy and Budget Directorate, f the Agricultural and Rural
Development Support Agency and the Central Finance and Contracts Unit attended
the meeting. The Director General of the
EU Affairs and Foreign Relations Mr. Burak AYKAN and the Head of the Department
for EU Investments, Mrs. Tijen İĞCİ (PhD) presented the Ministry at the meeting
During the meeting, general
information about the financial and physical process of IPA-II, programming and
implementation on IPA-III, preparations on IPA-III EBIT process, studies under
the Türkiye Investment Platform and holistic approach towards the EU funds
(including the Union Programmes) were
delivered by the NIPAC. The IPA
institutions informed the participants regarding their programmes’ ongoing and
planned activities.