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Rehabilitation and Signalisation of Irmak-Karabük-Zonguldak Railway Line Project

*Lastly updated on 13.07.2020.

Scope of the Project Work: The Irmak-Karabük-Zonguldak Railway Line is 415 kilometres long. Currently it is a single line without signalization and electrification systems. The rehabilitation, signalization and telecommunication systems werebe constructed under the project. The project is divided into two phases. The First Phase comprises the Zonguldak-Karabük section (124 kilometres main line), while the Second Phase comprises the Karabük-Irmak section (291 kilometres main line).



Project Name: Rehabilitation and Signalization of Irmak-Karabük-Zonguldak Railway Line

Financial Contribution of the EU: 188 Million Euros

Total Project Amount: 228,3 Million Euros

Beneficiary Institution: General Directorate of Turkish State Railways


Contractor Company: Yapı Merkezi İnşaat Sanayi A.Ş., MÖN İnşaat ve Ticaret Ltd. Şti. Consortium

Date of the Contract: 14.12.2011

Starting Date of Work: 25.01.2012

Provisional Acceptance Date

Zonguldak-Karabük: 15.12.2015                Karabük-Irmak: 29.11.2016      

Final Acceptance Date

Zonguldak-Karabük: 22.12.2017                Karabük-Irmak: 22.12.2017



Contractor Company: Tecnica y Proyectos, S.A. (TYPSA), Safege Consortium

Date of the Contract: 04.01.2012

Starting Date of Work: 10.01.2012

Completion Date of Work According to the Contract: 27.07.2017

Date of Completion: 22.12.2017


Operational Objective of the Line: Mass Passenger and Freight Transportation

Line Length: 415 Kilometres

Line Characteristics: Single Line

Number of Stations: 31 (+27 stations)

Operational Train Speed: Maximum 120 Kilometres / Hour

* The information in the printed materials was lastly updated in 2017.