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Within The Scope Of Kocaeli SUMP, Stakeholders came together to contribute to the Action Plan

Within the scope of the Kocaeli Sustainable Urban Transport Plan (SUMP) implemented under the USOP, financed by the European Union and the Republic of Türkiye; “Action Plan Workshop”, where many different institutions, organizations and NGO representatives came together, was held on 24 May 2024. With the participation of 93 stakeholders, the workshop was opened with the speech of Cüneyt Çetintaş, Transportation Planning Branch Manager of Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality. After a general presentation on Kocaeli SKUp process by the project coordinator Melike Sarım Boynuyoğun, communication and visibility expert Murat Çağatay explained the workshop methodology.

After the presentation, stakeholders were randomly distributed to tables, each with a different topic. Accompanied by moderators, the measures developed by the experts were discussed and action proposals for these measures were analyzed and new proposals were developed. Ali Bilgi, Head of Transportation Department of Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality, attended the session and shared his ideas with the stakeholders. Afterwards, the stakeholders were redistributed to the tables according to their areas of interest and the suggestions developed were evaluated and the missing suggestions were added to the list. In the third session, the suggestions listed by the stakeholders were prioritized by the votes of each stakeholder.

Finally, the proposals developed at the tables and the issues discussed were presented to the hall by each table representative and consensus was reached. During the workshop, which was accompanied by constructive and productive discussions, stakeholders conveyed their ideas to the project team and made a great contribution to the future of Kocaeli. The workshop was closed with thank you and appreciation speeches by Cüneyt Çetintaş, Melike Sarım Boynuyoğun and Murat Çağatay.

In the following process, all suggestions and prioritizations will be analyzed and evaluated to be used in the Kocaeli SUMP Action Plan document.
