Categories for permanent projects that could be implemented within the scope of the European Mobility Week were determined.
The second meeting of
the Urban Agenda, a communication implementation created for more efficient and
sustainable communication under the “EU Support for promoting Sustainable Urban
Mobility in Turkish Cities Project” (SUMP Türkiye), one of the projects’ of
USOP, was held online on April 30, 2024. Representatives from the transportation and
communication teams of 8 of the 12 Metropolitan Municipalities that are
currently implementing or have implemented SUMPs attended the meeting.
The project’s key communication
expert Ayşe Sarp Gür gave information about SUMP Türkiye project. She explained
the mission of Urban
Agenda, a communication implementation of SUMP Türkiye, that aims to ensure
municipalities embrace sustainable urban mobility throughout the year. Gür also
conveyed to the municipality representatives the importance of producing
qualified, permanent and quickly realisable projects for the European Mobility
Week within the framework of the Urban Agenda.
Gülin Rahvancı, the communication expert in
charge of Urban Agenda, shared with the municipalities easy project
suggestions that they can implement within the scope of the communication
component with her presentation titled “City Agenda - Easy Solutions”.
Participants were informed about various SMS examples that municipalities can
use when announcing the events they organise through SMS marketing, encouraging
the use of sustainable transportation methods, and hashtags that should be used
for directions and cooperation. It was also shared that the SUMP Türkiye
Volunteer logo, prepared with each city's own name, can be distributed to
businesses on the pilot streets chosen by the municipalities, and customers who
come to shop with sustainable vehicles can be rewarded. Suggestions were also offered on
how municipalities can increase visits to underutilised parks, bike lanes, or playgrounds
via SMS marketing.
the second part of the meeting, representatives from the pilot municipalities
included in the Urban Agenda were invited to share their ideas, experiences,
and efforts on the matter. Communication and transport experts from Ankara,
Bursa, Denizli, Gaziantep, İzmir, and Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipalities
shared their relevant projects and ideas implemented by their respective
municipalities. Activities aimed at increasing bicycle usage emerged
prominently, such as utilising bicycle parking spaces as visible and permanent
urban elements, constructing bicycle parking areas, offering discounts for
specific groups in public transportation, pedestrianisation, and parking
The importance of localising joint work
to be done by the municipalities to meet the expectations of their citizens and
their needs appropriately was emphasised. It was highlighted that a separate
SUMP Türkiye Volunteers project logo has been prepared for the municipalities implementing
SUMPs under the SUMP Türkiye communication component which is being carried out
in parallel. The importance of each municipality using this logo to support the
dissemination activities was underscored.
In the final part of the meeting,
categories for permanent projects that could be implemented within the scope of
the European Mobility Week were determined. These categories were decided as
"SMS Marketing to Engage Citizens," "Streets Are Transforming,"
and "Pedestrianisation" in line with the suggestions. It was agreed
that these categories would be further expanded and shared with municipalities.