" Transport Economics, Feasibility Studies, Cost-Benefit Analysis, Multi-Criteria Analysis " training was held within the scope of U-IMT Project, one of the significant projects carried out by USOP.
The ‘Transport Economics, Feasibility Studies, Cost-Benefit Analysis, Multi-Criteria Analysis’ Training of “Strengthening Intermodal Transport Services in Turkish Railway Sector (U-IMT)”, co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Türkiye under the Sectoral Operational Programme for Transport, of which the Strategy Development Directorate of the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure is the End Beneficiary, was provided by the Transport Economics Expert Peter Burgess.
In the training held in Ankara on 27-28 February 2024, the project's stakeholders, the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure Strategy Development Directorate and other relevant units of the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, as well as the Republic of Türkiye Directorate General of State Railways (TCDD), TCDD Taşımacılık A.Ş., UND. representatives attended.
During the training, which was designed
as four sessions; two in the morning and two afternoon for two days, detailed
lessons were given on transportation economics, feasibility studies,
benefit-cost analysis, multi-criteria analysis.