The First Progress Meeting of the Year 2023 for the Construction of Cerkezkoy-Kapikule Section of Halkali-Kapikule Railway Line Project Was Held
Head of Railway Modernization Department Mr. Selim Bolat, representatives of TCDD Site Control Organization, representatives of the Engineer and the Contractor were present at the progress meeting chaired by the Head of Department for EU Investments Ms. Tijen İğci (PhD). Engineer representatives gave a pre-briefing to the staff of the Operating Structure and the TCDD prior to the meeting.
At the first progress meeting of the year 2023, a presentation covering the general physical and financial progress of the project, as well as occupational health and safety, environmental issues and community relations has been given by the Contractor. Also, , the issues of the remaining design works, on-going infrastructure and superstructure works, city crossings, and issues that are carried out in coordination with other public institutions and organizations have been discussed during the meeting.
Following the progress meeting, a
site inspection was conducted for the ongoing construction activities on 20
January 2023.