Railway Line Project is composed of three phases: Kapıkule-Çerkezköy (ÇE-KA),
Çerkezköy-Ispartakule and Ispartakule-Halkalı. The purpose of the Monitoring Board
is to observe the implementation of these three phases together with the railway
connection to Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge and seeking solutions to the problems
faced if any. Members of the Board are the institutions which are responsible
from these phases. The DG for Infrastructure Investments in the MoTI (DGII),
Turkish State Railways (TCDD), the European Commission Directorate General for
Neighbourhood Relations (DG NEAR), the Delegation of the European Union (EUD) to
Türkiye and as the Operating Structure of ÇE-KA project the DG for EU and
Foreign Affairs are the members of the Board and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Directorate
of EU Affairs, the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the European Bank for
Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) are the observers.
The 6th
meeting of the Board was held on the 16th of May 2024 through online
Meeting has been
co-chaired by Ms. Tijen İğci, PhD (Head of Department for EU
Investments, DG for EU Affairs and Foreign Relations, MoTI) and Ms. Katarzyna Marzec (Acting Head of
Unit, EU Commission) and Ms. Virve Vimpari
(Head of Section, EUD to Türkiye).
During the
meeting, the project owner institutions -the TCDD and the DGII - delivered
presentations on the current status of Kapıkule-Çerkezköy,
Çerkezköy-Ispartakule, Ispartakule-Halkalı sections of the project as well as
its railway connections to Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge.
The participants
were informed about the implementation process of the Halkalı-Kapıkule Railway
Line Project since the previous Monitoring Board Meeting.