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We Held Our 2nd Annual Performance Review Workshop

As part of the Technical Assistance Project for Strengthening Operational Programme for Transport and End Recipients of Assistances in the IPA II (2014-2020) Period, the Department for EU Investments (EUID) held its second annual performance review workshop in Afyonkarahisar between October 13-16 2022.

Attended by the experts of the EUID, the workshop began with the speech of Ms Tijen İĞCİ (PhD), Head of Department for EU Investments and IPA Director. During the first session, situation regarding the fund absorption, possible risks that might be encountered in the upcoming period and the measures to be taken were discussed under the moderation of our Financial Management Unit.

On the second day of the workshop, experts responsible for Management Information System (MIS) from the Ministry of Industry and Technology Competitive Sectors Program delivered a presentation on the use of MIS by IPA units.

In the first session of the third day of the workshop, experts from the Programming, Monitoring And Evaluation Unit, as well as Quality Assurance And Control Unit delivered a presentation on IPA III studies. The session continued with a presentation by Team Leader of our Technical Assistance project. The morning session covered the future needs of our units and means of meeting the said needs, actions that may be taken as part of our project, and alternative models for units. The afternoon session began with a visit by Mr Burak AYKAN, Director-General of EU and Foreign Affairs and Head of Operating Structure. In his speech, Mr. Aykan talked about expectations from the EUIDfor the upcoming period and thanked everyone for their contributions in the previous period. The session continued  working in  to discuss the needs of their units and deliver presentations on the solutions to those needs, accompanied with a moderator.

On the final day of the workshop, participants evaluated the outcomes of the work undertaken for three days. At the end of the session, Tijen İĞCİ (PhD), Head of EUID delivered a closing speech and thanked all the participants.
