Second Steering Committee Meeting of “Strengthening Intermodal Transport Services in Turkish Railway Sector (U-IMT)” Project Was Held
The Second
Steering Committee Meeting of the "Strengthening Intermodal Transport
Services in Turkish Railway Sector" (U-IMT) Project, co-financed by the
European Union and the Republic of Türkiye, of which the Strategy Development
Directorate is the End Beneficiary and Directorate General
for European Union and Foreign Relations of the
Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure is the Contracting Authority, was successfully
The stakeholders of
the project including the Directorate General of Infrastructure Investments,
the Directorate General of Transportation Services Regulation and other
relevant units of the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, as well as the Turkish
State Railways (TCDD), TCDD Taşımacılık A.Ş. and representatives of
non-governmental organizations interested in multi-modal transportation
activities in Türkiye attended the meeting held in Ankara on October 20, 2023. Representing
the Contracting Authority, Ms. Tijen İĞCİ (PhD) the Head of the Department for European
Union Investments from Directorate General for European Union Affairs and
Foreign Relations, and Contract Manager Mr. Tunç DEMİREL attended the meeting.
As the representative of the End Beneficiary Ms. Demet CAVCAV (PhD), Head
of Planning Department from Strategy Development Directorate chaired the
meeting and gave the floor to U-IMT project technical assistance team. Experts of
the project made a presentation on the progress made in Component 1, Component
2 and Component 4 since the first steering committee meeting and the planning
of Component 3. The meeting ended with a question-and-answer session.