The First Steering Committee Meeting of the Trabzon Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan Project (TRABZON SUMP) Was Held on 19 September 2023
Trabzon Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan
Project (Trbzon SUMP), which is implemented under the Sectoral Operational
Programme for Transport known as USOP in the second period of the Instrument
for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) provided by the European Union to candidate
countries covering the years of 2014-2020, started in June 2023 and will last
for 2 years.
The Project Steering Committee meeting,
which monitors the progress of the project in accordance with its objectives,
met for the first time on 19 September 2023 at Trabzon Metropolitan
Municipality premises.
The meeting was hosted by Mr. Gürkan ÜÇÜNCÜ,
Secretary General of Trabzon Metropolitan Municipality, with the participation
of Mrs. Tijen İĞCİ (PhD), Head of Department for EU Investments, Adem KOÇ and
Sıla YILDIRIM, Contract Managers and, Ufuk KOCA as the Technical Assistance and
Human Resources Expert.
On behalf of the Contractor TYPSA &
Boğaziçi Proje & KAISER Mühendislik consortium, Mr. Jose LAFFOND YGES,
Project Team Leader, presented the progress of the project.
Within the scope of the project, data collection
is still ongoing to assess the current mobility of Trabzon. In addition,
visibility activities have also been initiated to encourage active
participation of project stakeholders and raise awareness on urban mobility.