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Visit of Mrs. Fatma Şahin,President of the Union of Turkish Municipalities to our Directorate General

On 02.02.2023, Mrs. Fatma ŞAHİN, Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality Mayor and Turkish Union of Municipalities President, together with Davut GÜL, Governer of Gaziantep, visited our General Manager and Head of Operating Structure, Ms. Burak AYKAN, and Head of EU Investments Department, Mrs. Tijen İĞCİ, Phd. During their visit, The outputs of the SUMP Türkiye  project which is jointly carried out by the Ministry and the UMT; The SUMP Project to be carried out jointly with Gaziantep Municipality; the Green Hydrogen Facility which will be built in Gaziantep, which will decompose solar energy and hydrogen into fuel, and the methods that can be used for financing the buses and metro line that will operate with hydrogen was discussed.