SUMP Türkiye Volunteers Meet With The Business World! Within the scope of the European Mobility Week, the partnerships of the projects that can be included in the “Permanent Projects” category have been shaped.
The third meeting of SUMP Türkiye volunteers, a communication campaign
created for more efficient and sustainable communication under the “EU Support
for promoting Sustainable Urban Mobility in Turkish Cities” Project (SUMP
Türkiye), implemented under Sectoral Operational Programme for Transport (USOP)
, was held on April 24, 2024 with the participation of business world,
academics and relevant NGOs.
In his opening speech, Ertuğrul Şafak, Project and Finance Manager,
Union of Municipalities of Turkey, emphasised the importance of creating
synergies among the stakeholders of "SUMP Turkey Volunteers" and the
importance of project collaborations in sustainable urban transport.
The Key Expert for Communication Activities of SUMP Türkiye Project and
moderator of the meeting, Ms. Ayşe Sarp Gür, summarized the project's renewed
communication strategy and approach. Within the communication strategy, Ms,
Ayşe Sarp Gür reminded that 2024 was designated as the 'Usage' year for sustainable urban transportation vehicles
within the new slogan 'Let’s Live the City Together,' theme of
"Shared Public Spaces" for the European Mobility Week was determined, is
the primary goal to realize easily implementable projects through stakeholders
to increase citizens' usage of these vehicles.
Representatives of civil society organisations such as Intersection
Network, Association of Cyclists, Enverçevko made presentations and projects
that can be collaborated with companies through the SUMP Türkiye Volunteers
Project were discussed. In the
continuation of the meeting, representatives from the business world took the
floor and briefly talked about their projects. The founder of Full Charger
Electric Charging Stations and E-mobility Association Director Osman Atama,
emphasised the importance of electrification works within the scope of
sustainability. Representatives of Borusan Otomotiv Business Excellence and
E-PMO Unit talked about the activities carried out by Borusan Otomotiv to
increase social awareness in the field of sustainable mobility and electrification
and to change the usage practices of users. Hop Technology Corporate
Development Leader Barış Arslan drew attention to the importance of electric
vehicle scooters in transportation. Opet Sustainability Coordinator İrem Koçtaş
Çalışır talked about the innovative steps taken by OPET within the scope of
green energy and carbon neutral 2050 targets.
Three project proposals that could be quickly and easily developed to
promote the increased preference for sustainable mobility among citizens were
discussed. Kavşak Network introduced their projects: A contest and hackathon
designed to encourage individuals to use public spaces more efficiently within
the framework of the European Mobility Week, whose annual theme is “Shared
Public Spaces” for 2024.
President of Enverçevko and Assistant Professor at Muğla Sıtkı Koçman
University, Feridun Ekmekçi presented “Bike 2 University” He discussed the reasons for
encouraging bicycle usage as an active transportation model within the scope of
sustainable urban mobility.
President of Türkiye
Bikers Association, Murat Suyabatmaz presented the “Riding My Bike to My Work
Place” Project. He emphasized the importance of bicycle usage as a mode of
transportation in urban mobility. Consequently, this three projects developed
by the NGOs were presented to the
business for potential collaborations.
Lastly, business world representatives expressed their willingness to
improvement of existing projects and to develop new projects to promote
sustainable mobility. Within the scope of the European Mobility Week, the
partnerships of the projects that can be included in the “Permanent Projects”
category have been shaped.
Additionally, it was
noted that the SUMP Türkiye volunteers' online meetings will continue in May,
targeting public enterprises. In these meetings,
cooperation opportunities for existing proposals and new project proposals will
be discussed and the meeting was closed.