Promotional Meeting of 2022 European MobilityWeek(EMW) Was Held at the Headquarters of the Union of Municipalities of Türkiye (UMT)
#EMW which is the European Commission’s flagship awareness-raising
campaign on sustainable urban mobility is celebrated each year during the week
of 12-16 September.
UMT and Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Fatma Şahin, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Director for EU Affairs Ambassador Faruk Kaymakcı, Deputy Head of EU Delegation to Türkiye Ambassador Undersecretary Eleftheria Pertzinidou and Presidency of the EU Council Czech Ambassador to Türkiye Pavel Vacek attended the meeting.
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Director for EU Affairs Ambassador Faruk
Kaymakcı and Ambassador Vacek together pedalled to the meeting. In the promotional meeting UMT
Mayor Fatma Şahin underlined a stronger cooperation with European Union. Şahin
highlighted the importance of EMW on the way to kick-off the mental
transformation and to change the living habits of people for good within the
framework of sustainable urban mobility plans.
In the
opening speech at the meeting, Pertzinidou stated that the European Mobility
Week aims to create a change of behavior to reduce dependence on personal
vehicles and that low carbon targets can be achieved by cycling, walking and
public transport.
Kaymakcı, who underlined that the participation of municipalities in Türkiye to the EMW has reached to a very good point with the important contributions of the Union of Municipalities of Türkiye, and mentioned in his speech the sustainable transport, the support provided to local governments and the Town Twinning Projects between Türkiye and the EU.
Upon the questions directed by Civil Society Organizations’
representatives who were present in the meeting, information has been given on
the scope of activities in“Technical Assistance to UMT on Sustainable Urban
Mobility in Türkiye Project” which has started in the previous month and
financed under USOP.