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Mrs. Tijen İĞCİ (PhD), Head of Department for EU Investments, Participated in the DRBF MENA Regional Conference as a Speaker

Mrs. Tijen İĞCİ (PhD), Head of Department for EU Investments, participated as a speaker in the session titled " The Owner's Experience with DBs " at the Dispute Resolution Board Foundation (DRBF) Middle East/North Africa (MENA)Regional Conference held in Istanbul on October 23-24, 2023. The session, moderated by Mr. Erhan ÖZTÜRK, also featured Mr. Yalçın EYİGÜN, the General Director of DG for Infrastructure Investments, and Mr. Kazım Gökhan ELGİN, the Director of Istanbul Governorate - Istanbul Project Coordination Unit, as speakers.

Mrs. İĞCİ (PhD),  discussed the Dispute Adjudication Board (DAB) implementation based on the experiences gained from projects conducted by the Department for EU Investments. She highlighted that there is no structure in place to oversee and monitor the Dispute Adjudication Boards or the adjudicators involved. As a result, under the current conditions, there is no mechanism to address concerns regarding the independence, impartiality, and adherence to ethical principles of the adjudicators, from the perspective of both the Public Authorities and the Contractors.

Mrs. İĞCİ emphasized the importance of ensuring the independence, impartiality, and expertise of arbitrators through internal controls and predefined, widely accepted binding ethical principles in order to establish a reliable reputation for Dispute Resolution Boards among public authorities. She highlighted the necessity of continuous supervision by a higher authority to ensure that adjudicators adhere to these principles and act accordingly. In this context, she provided a detailed explanation of the problems encountered in practice.