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Kocaeli Sustainable Urban Transportation Plan (Kocaeli SUMP) Project's 1st Stakeholder Engagement Meeting Was Held

Kocaeli Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (Kocaeli SUMP) Project, financed by the European Union (EU), aims to contribute to the achievement of local and high-level targets for environmental, social and economic development while solving urban transportation problems. Kocaeli SUMP project, which started in August 2022, is planned to be completed in August 2024.

Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan is a strategic planning tool that aims to develop sustainable alternatives in the balance of development and integration of all modes of transport. Developing this plan involves an integrated planning process that requires intense collaboration, exchange of information and consultation between planners, politicians, institutions, local and regional actors and citizens. Therefore, stakeholder engagement is one of the important steps of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan.

In this context, this process was initiated with the 1st Stakeholder Engagement Meeting held at Kocaeli Congress Center on March 16, 2023. Approximately 200 representatives from ministries, local administrations, industrialists, private sector transport service providers, professional chambers, universities, non-governmental organizations such as organizations representing vulnerable groups, associations working on sustainable transportation, environment, energy, active living, sports, etc. attended the meeting.

In the event, the activities carried out within the scope of Kocaeli Sustainable Urban Transportation Plan (Kocaeli SUMP) Project, the next stakeholder participation process and 12 urban mobility themes determined before the meeting were introduced. At the end of the meeting, the participants met at the theme tables for the thematic workshops to be held at the next stage and made their registrations.

During the project, detailed information about stakeholder meetings and workshops will be available on the https://sumpkocaeli.org/ website and social media accounts of sumpkocaeli.

