The Second Progress Meeting of the Year 2023 for the Construction of Cerkezkoy-Kapikule Section Halkali-Kapikule Railway Line Project Was Held
The Second Progress Meeting of the
year 2023 for the Construction of Cerkezkoy-Kapikule Section Halkali-Kapikule
Railway Line Project was held on 10 March 2023 at Lüleburgaz Site Office. The
meeting, which started with the pre-briefing of the Engineer representatives on
the current status of the Project continued with the presentation of the
Contractor on the ongoing works. In the meeting Mr. Burak Aykan, Director
General for EU Affairs and Foreign Relations and Head of Operating Structure
was accompanied by the Director-General of Turkish State Railways (TCDD), Mr.
Hasan Pezük; the Deputy Director of the TCDD, Mr. Turgay Gökdemir; the
Haydarpasa 1. Regional Director of the TCDD, Mr. Necmettin Acar; the Head of
Department for EU Investments, Ms. Tijen İğci (Ph.D); the Head of Railway
Modernization Department, Mr. Selim Bolat; representatives of the Engineer and
the Contractor companies were also present. After the presentations of the
Engineer and the Contractor companies about the current status of the Project,
a site visit was conducted and the infrastructure-superstructure constructions
were examined on site.