Progress Meeting for the Construction of Cerkezköy-Kapıkule Section of Halkalı-Kapıkule Railway Line Project Realised
Prior to the Progress Meeting, Head of Department for EU Investments Tijen İĞCİ (PhD), Head of Railway Modernization Department Mr. Selim BOLAT, representative of Delegation of EU to Türkiye, TCDD Site Control Organization received a briefing from the Engineer. Afterwards with the participation of the contractor representatives, progress meeting was realised.
A presentation covering the project general information, re-location works, road crossings, pastureland rehabilitation works, infrastructure and superstructure, signalisation and telecommunication, catenary, substation works along with the general physical and financial progress of the project, as well as occupational health and safety, environmental issues and project’s publicity and visibility activities, was delivered by the contractor.
In the meeting, the points regarding the remaining design works, subgrade, sub-ballast, ballast and ditch construction, information on current status of engineer structures whose construction were on-going, city crossings, and issues that were carried out in coordination with other public institutions and organizations were discussed.
One day prior to the progress
meeting, a site inspection for the ongoing construction activities was