Coordination Meeting Was Held Between the DG EU and Foreign Relations and Ministry of Foreign Affairs Directorate of EU Affairs
A coordination meeting was held with
Ministry of Foreign Affairs Directorate of EU Affairs under the chairmanship of
Mr. Burak AYKAN, Director General for EU and Foreign Affairs on the
contemporary issues on studies being carried out with EU on transport sector.
In the meeting, the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure was represented by Mr. Burak AYKAN- Director General for EU Affairs and Foreign Relations,Tijen İĞCİ (PhD)-Head of Department for EU Investments, Mr. Mustafa İMAMOĞLU-Head of Department for International Policies and EU Experts Mrs. Burcu ÖZCAN and Mr. Mehmet Sefa CEYHAN, whereas Mrs. Elif KURŞUNLU-Director General for European Union Relations, Mr. Bülent ÖZCAN-Director General for Financial Cooperation and Project Implementation, Deputy Director Generals Mr. Murat ŞEN and Mr. Serdar ÖZTÜRK and EU Affairs Expert Özge CEVHER (PhD) participated on behalf of Ministry of Foreign Affairs Directorate of EU Affairs.
issues such as enhancement of current cooperation between Türkiye and EU in all
modes of transport, improvement of connectivity, European Green Deal and
emission trade as well as Türkiye-EU financial cooperation and USOP were
discussed during this fruitful meeting.