Within the scope of the 'European Union Support
Project for Sustainable Urban Mobility in Cities (SKUp Turkey)’, financed by
the Republic of Türkiye and the European Union (EU), of which the Ministry of
Transport and Infrastructure is the Contracting Authority and the Union of
Municipalities of Turkey is the End Beneficiary, many events were held between 16-22
September during the European Mobility Week. On Car Free Day, where more than
3,000 municipalities organized events this year, exploring cities on foot and
increasing the use of bicycles were encouraged. In addition, the number of
official applications from Türkiye for the European Mobility Week official
events reached 670 this year as a record.
The week started on September 16, with European
Mobility Week videos of the President of the Union of Municipalities of Türkiye
Yücel Yılmaz, the Head of the Delegation of the European Union to Türkiye Ambassador
Nikolaus Meyer-Landrut and the opening speech video of Deputy Minister of
Foreign Affairs and Director for EU Affairs Ambassador Mehmet Kemal Bozay,and being
broadcasted on the @trmobilityweek
social media account via IG TV, and the opening ceremony of Kocaeli, Ankara,
Izmir, Konya and Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipalities were broadcasted on IG
TV in the afternoon of the same day. It continued its activities via live
broadcast. in the IG TV live broadcast with Isabelle Vandoorne, Deputy Head of
the EU Innovation and Research Unit, on September 17, the issue of sustainable
urban transportation in the EU was discussed. In the IG TV live broadcast on
September 18, the future of sustainable urban transportation models was
discussed with Futurist Writer and Economist influencer Ufuk Tarhan. In the IG
TV live broadcasts on September 19, interviews were held with EU Delegation Team
Coordinator of Transport Policy and Climate Change Göktuğ Kara (PhD) on the sustainable transportation projects of
the Delegation in Türkiye, and with the Head of Department for EU Investments
of the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure / IPA Director Tijen İğci (PhD)
about the projects carried out by the Ministry. On September 20, ENVERÇEVKO
Association President and Bicycle Strategies expert Feridun Ekmekci and on
September 21, Turkish Cycling Federation President Emin Müftüoğlu gave
information about bicycle paths and practices in Türkiye via IG TV live broadcasts.
“Discover Your City - Save Energy” was
determined as the theme for 2023 and events were held within this scope. SKUp
Turkey project, which aims to make European Mobility Week a widely recognized
brand event throughout Türkiye and to spread its achievements throughout the
year, will continue its work on sustainable urban mobility until August 2025.