The 4th Steering Committee Meeting of
Düzce Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan Project implemented
under the Sectoral Operational Programme for Transport (USOP) as part of the
Türkiye-EU financial cooperation managed by the Ministry of Transport and
Infrastructure and for which the Düzce Municipality is End Beneficiary, was held on 24 October
2024 in Düzce.
The meeting was chaired by Hasan Günden, Deputy
Mayor of Düzce Municipality. Tijen İğci (PhD), Head of Department for European
Union Investments of the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, as well as
the Contracting Authority, Düzce Municipality, Contractor Representatives and
Project Key Experts attended the meeting. Akif Türkel, Program Manager of the Delegation
of the European Union to Türkiye, also participated online.
The meeting started with the opening speech of
Deputy Mayor Hasan Günden and continued with the speeches of Tijen İğci (PhD)
and Akif Türkel. This was followed by a presentation on the current status of
the Project by the Project Key Expert Patrick Van Egmond. In addition to the
project outputs carried out and completed, the first Study Visit to the
Netherlands and the activities carried out during the European Mobility Week
were discussed.