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The 5th Project Steering Committee of Düzce SUMP was Held

Within the framework of Türkiye-EU financial cooperation, the 5th Steering Committee Meeting of the Düzce Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan Project (Düzce SUMP), co-financed under the Sectoral Operational Programme for Transport (USOP) and with Düzce Municipality as the End Recipient of Assistance, was held on 7 February 2025 as a hybrid meeting.

Chaired by Hasan Günden, Deputy Mayor of Düzce Municipality, the meeting was attended by representatives from the Contracting Authority, Düzce Municipality, the Contractor, and key experts of the Project.

Following Deputy Mayor Günden's opening speech, the session continued with remarks from Contract Manager Kubilay Atlay. Subsequently, project team leader Bas Govers delivered a presentation on the project's current status. The presentation covered both ongoing and completed project outputs, as well as discussions on the second study visit to Luxembourg and the closing event.