Advanced IPA III Training, which
was instructed by İbrahim Çelebi (PhD), was held in Ankara on 16 March 2023. 15
participants, including the Head of Department for EU Investments Tijen İğci
(PhD), attended the training.
The training was delivered by a
presentation focusing mainly on the IPA III Regulation published by the
European Commission and detailed information was provided on IPA implementing
regulation, the Programming Framework, Financial Framework Participation
Agreement, and Enlargement Strategy for 2022. The aim of the training was to
grasp the novelties introduced by IPA III and to contribute to increasing
opportunities to better benefit from the IPA III in the light of the
experiences gained in the first years of IPA implementation and priorities
defined for transport sector. The case studies from Turkey and the results
achieved so far were also shared during the training.
The training in which the following topics were covered was successfully completed:
- Grasping
the notion of general IPA III frameworks: legal, institutional, programming,
- Identification
of the differences with the IPA II period,
- Better familiarisation with new tools of the period: Action Fiche and Action Document,
- Enhancing the level of utilization from IPA III in the transport sector in the next programming years.